1. Best Online Business In Batam Create Web Shop Online / Online Shop
Create an online store is a sensible way of doing business online in Batam, we do not have to create an kerja online store with a variety of features such as online stores-big online stores such as lazada, blibli, etc ..
We just create a website that provides information about our products No need to create features such as shopping carts, live chat, etc. Just one complete article with photo of product + contact number in Batam.
Then how to create a website, if we understand the programming language website we can make your own, or we can use the services of free web creation services such as wordpress, joomla, dll.
If still difficult, you can create a free blog using wordpress.com or blogger.com. If you want to look more professional we can custom domain in accordance with our wishes, eg be tokoorganik.com, or other addresses.
Then, the question many people in Jakrta is where kerja online tanpa modal we get the merchandise? Simple, we can sell our own product. if there is no product yet? Yes we sell aja product friends, or others. We can take just enough profit.
2. Online Business Bestsellers In Batam Sell on Website Marketplace
What is a marketplace website? As the name suggests marketplace or if in indonesiakan become a place of market / sale and purchase. So logically this way, if the website online store you like to have their own shop / shop on the roadside alias not nimbrung in the mall or other people's market.
If the marketplace is like a market / mall in Batam, in one marketplace there buanyak seller not just one. One of the advantages marketplace is we do not need to find visitors / buyers. Because the marketplace is usually crowded with buyers reaching tens of thousands and even millions of visitors each month.
sumber : tokopedia |
If we make their own online store in Batam yes we have to be extra hard to promote our online store, so if you make your own shop on the roadside, we have to promote our store to be crowded. If the market is already crowded, so we do not need promotion with extra energy.
But .
His name is also arket of course other traders who sell similar goods are also buanyak, of course we should be able to compete mainly in terms of quality and price. People when going to the market of course looking for goods with the cheapest price is not it?
Well the same, if the web online store we own only we are selling goods so there is no competition in it is inversely proportional to the marketplace in Batam. Buyers can look for goods type A, where the type of goods A is selling not just one person. Of course buyers will choose first which goods the same quality but the price is cheap.
That troublesome when selling in the marketplace in Batam, but we also can not directly receive payment if there are people who buy our goods. Why?
Selling concept in Tokepdia
Because in the marketplace it implements systems such as rekber or joint accounts. So we sell the goods, then there is the mesen. Buyer transfers money to the tokopedia, tokopedia gives notification that the buyer buys your goods and has transfer. Then, we send the goods to the buyer. If it is until the buyer will confirm tokopedia that the goods have been received, just deh tokopedia transfer money to you.
Then, what if the buyer does not confirm the payment?
If it happens then the marketplace like tokopedia and bukalapak will wait until 30 days can be in cash withdrawal. That is one of the weaknesses in the marketplace for sellers. Because we can not accept money that day. But, this is done to protect the rights of customers and minimize the occurrence of online fraud.
3. Online Business Bestsellers In Batam Jualin Goods People Without Capital / Dropshipper
You have no merchandise? Well, one of the best solutions is dropshipping. What is dropshipping?
So gini, eg you want to sell shoes, but do not have shoes. And want the stock of goods there is no capital. That's why you are looking for supplier A who sell shoes and receive dropship system kerja online terpercaya. So, for example the selling price perfume 100ribu, and the price of the dropshipper is 70ribu, then you profit 70ribu.
So, you offer deh shoes online for 100rebu, after the buyer transfer 100rebu to you, you directly transfer 70ribu to supplier A. Fortunately 70ribu right? Well, then supplier A is sending shoes to consumers who bought earlier in your name not on behalf of the supplier.
Delicious is not it? We do not have to bother stock of goods in Batam, if the goods from supplier A out we can find the same goods to supplier B. So we do not have to bother.
How to find the supplier? Well, we can kok nyari on google with keyword names dropship goods or search aja in kaskus, tokopedia, bukalapak. Contact the related sellers and then ask whether they accept dropship or not?
For the price markup it's up to us, eg from the seller's 70ribu and the market price 100ribu, we can raise a little to 105ribu. But, do not sell expensive. Better cheap but quick repeat order, rather than expensive but long soldout.
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